Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Teenager
Certainly being young has many advantages and disadvantages. It's very difficult to say objectively about being young. Some people say, at the end of their life that it would be great to be young again. Whereas the young ones want to act like adults. The grass is greener on the other side. Adulthood is something that one just can't have, it has to be waited for but it will come with loads of responsibilities with it.
Certainly being young has many advantages and disadvantages. It's very difficult to say objectively about being young. Some people say, at the end of their life that it would be great to be young again. Whereas the young ones want to act like adults. The grass is greener on the other side. Adulthood is something that one just can't have, it has to be waited for but it will come with loads of responsibilities with it.
A teenager wants all the privileges and freedoms of being an adult and none of the responsibilities. They wish to have all the fun because they have too much time in their hands. Most teenagers think they have all life figured out and already have what they need to succeed. You can try all you want to convince them that they still have a lot to learn, but they won't believe you because they think they already know what to expect from life. But they can't know what to expect from life when they haven't yet had to make a mortgage payment, pay utility bills, put food on the table, pay for all of their own clothing, or take care of a family.
Every advantage has a disadvantage coming with it. Strengths can become greatest weaknesses at a glance. Same happens with what people like to call “the best years of our life” – adolescence.
"When I was little, my parents encouraged me to walk and talk; now all they want from me is to sit down and shut up.:- this is a huge disadvantage. A teenager would have ageism towards young people, general stuff like dirty looks from adults, being short changed because shop keepers know they'll get away with it, and all those "no before 18"government schemes even though they are the ones who inherit this earth. Teenagers are emotional. They don't think about the consequences before taking the decisions. They depend on their parents's money, i.e.,they are not financially independent. They lack support at times. They are prone to commit not only mistakes but blunders which may cost them their lives. They have little or no experience. Everything at the whim of others. They cannot take decisions that concern their lives, that impact their lives in major ways.
As time wears on, they gain more knowledge and experience. It is what they do with that knowledge and experience that shows maturity and shapes the future to some extent. At a very young age, others shape their future because there exists a great difference between vacations and retirement. Children are like clay in a potter's hand. They can be molded in the way desired.
Children don't have the knowledge of judging people who can take advantage of them. They are never comfortable with what they have. They may be unsure of themselves and they may not have figured out who they are as a person yet.
On the other side, there are some advantages too. Teenagers have often very receptive brains, so they can learn faster and better than others; they need less time to acquire a knowledge. Being young, they don't have to worry about things, they can leave it upon others. Mature people often want to have calm and organized life. They often are stereotypes and they judge people with predefined rules. Young peolpe are more often tolerant to others traditions and nations.
As a teenager, you can spend time with friends, can work on your skills and talents. You can spend whole day on doing something without thinking if the dinner is ready , have you already launder and dishes-as a mature person. A younger person usually still has that child like quality of being trustworthy and hopeful, they usually have not been corrupted yet, and they still can enjoy good health and don't have to worry about cosmetic age-related issues yet, such as yellowing teeth, wrinkles and sallow skin. Life is very simple for a child. They don't have to worry about bringing home money. Life looks adventurous and there're things to enjoy. They are willing to take risks. They have time in their hands to live in dreams and fantasy. There is a positive discrimination too, they get fares cheaper. The best thing about being young is that it's the time of life when you explore many wonderful ideas. You can have fun with no responsibilities for your actions and messing around with people. You are free to make happy a and memorable moments.
As long as you're safe and smart about what you do, being a child, go ahead. You only live once!
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